Our Story

I’ve always had a passion for health and nutrition – healthy cooking, baking, and most importantly, eating! As a little girl, I loved to flip through my mom's and grandma’s hand-written recipe cards and read recipes in magazines and I was always drawn to the “healthy” recipes.
When my first daughter was born, I longed to be a stay-at-home mom but couldn’t figure out how to fund that dream. I thought it would be fun to own a business – something to do with cooking and baking – selling homemade cookies at various shops or even running a Bed & Breakfast. But, as time passed and my second daughter was born, those dreams were set by the wayside.
As soon as my daughters were old enough to help in the kitchen, they were making snacks like granola and trail mixes and soon started making their own breakfasts and school lunches. We enjoyed creating fun and healthy foods from scratch.
Several years ago, after discovering an energy ball at a local coffee shop, I started experimenting with recipes using wholesome ingredients like oats, honey and peanut butter, as well as fruits and nuts. To me, most energy bars have a highly processed texture and taste. It's likely because they're made with ingredients that you can't pronounce. Even though I had no idea how to run a business, I had the desire to work for myself and a passion to make my dreams come true. Oatballs was born!
Oatballs are THE perfect combination of healthy and decadent, full of energy-filled oats and fruits, natural sweeteners like blue agave and maple syrup and healthy fats like nut butters, nuts and sunflower butter. We've chosen these ingredients to create Well. Rounded. Goodness.
Our mission is to "Provide wholesome snacks using ingredients we know, trust and can pronounce”.
We hope you like what you see and grab some Oatballs today! We can't wait to hear what you think!
Head Baller
The Oatball Company